
‘Tis the season for Tasta Porrera

by  |  16-11-2012 ~ 1 Comment

This past Saturday was the Tasta Porrera event in, yes you've guessed it, the small village of Porrera in Priorat, Catalonia. It was put on by the very sensibly named, Association of the wineries of... more »

A beer that’s totally wine

by  |  09-11-2012 ~ 3 Comments

There are beer drinkers and there are wine drinkers and then there are just drinkers. I must raise my hand in that I fall in to the later group, although my general preference is for... more »

The Torroja harvest tasting

by  |  02-11-2012 ~ 4 Comments

We were fortunate enough to be in Priorat during the fall harvest party (or festa de la verema) that was put on by Trio Infernal and Terroir al Límit this last week, in the small... more »

Tasting DO Ribeiro wines at Mercat de Mercats

by  |  22-10-2012

Galician white wines have always been on our radar. Regions like Rias Baixas are better known outside of Galicia, but the DO Ribeiro has gained a great deal in fame in recent years, especially for... more »

La Quinta Essència dels Llops

by  |  02-10-2012

While we where in Priorat last weekend, our friend-in-blog, Ruth Troyano tipped us off to a promising event at the Falset castle, a historic building that has been turned in to a wine museum dashed... more »

Tasting Moritz’s upcoming “Bar-à-Vins”

by  |  22-08-2012

If you've been to Barcelona, you've probably encountered two beers at any and all bars: Moritz and Estrella-Damm. It's hard to say which one is more preferred, but people are generally happy drinking both as... more »

The down low on DO Terra Alta

by  |  13-05-2012

Yesterday afternoon we attended a tasting of 12 wineries from the Terra Alta region that took place in Pla de Palau, Barcelona to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their DO. This is a region that's... more »

Zagreb Wine Gourmet Weekend Day III

by  |  15-04-2012 ~ 4 Comments

In many cultures, Sunday is a day of rest. For the attendees, exhibitors, and staff at the Zagreb Wine Gourmet Weekend, after Days I & II it was indeed this, as well as a day... more »

Zagreb Wine Gourmet Weekend Day II

by  |  14-04-2012

Coming from Day I, naturally Day II of the Zagreb Wine Gourmet Weekend was a more smoothly-oiled machine. Everyone had settled in to their tables and more signs had been put up to make sure... more »

Zagreb Wine Gourmet Weekend Day I

by  |  13-04-2012

Today was the opening day of the Zagreb wine Gourmet Weekend, a three day event to showcase not only the wines of Croatia, but also the foods. While there are now several regional events, this... more »