
Best Catalan wines of 2022

by  |  12-12-2022

Here we find ourselves bumbling into the end of the year and, as I’ve done in past years, it’s time to take a look at the best wines in Catalunya that I’ve tasted in 2022.... more »

A reflective tasting on DOQ Priorat’s 2010 vintage

by  |  29-03-2021

Every year in Priorat, there’s a small event called the, Tast del Decenni or, “decade tasting”. It’s an intimate affair in a very packed room that takes place during the annual Fira del Vi. The... more »

Best Catalan wines of 2020

by  |  14-12-2020

Versió catalana Despite the lunacy of this never-ending 2020 from hell and the cancellation of a slate of events I was to attend, I did manage to taste a lot of wines from various regions... more »

El millors vins catalans del 2020

by  | 

English version Malgrat la bogeria d’aquest any infernal interminable i la inevitable cancel·lació d’una sèrie d’esdeveniments als que tenia previst a assistir, tot i així he aconseguit tastar una gran quantita de vins de diferents... more »

10 Grenaches for the 10th annual #GrenacheDay

by  |  20-09-2019

Today, the world celebrates “International Grenache Day”! It’s one of the least-demanding celebrations that exists as it simply means grabbing a glass (or bottle) of Grenache near you and toasting all that’s toastable in this... more »

Best Catalan wine of 2018

by  |  27-12-2018

“So, what’s the best wine in _____?” This question in slightly varying forms is one I’m asked often. I have to admit that while I appreciate people thinking my opinion worth something, I cringe a... more »

Vi Ranci in World of Fine Wine

by  |  13-12-2016

My personal history with the wine known as Vi Ranci goes as such: I tried it for the first time about eight years ago and didn’t know what to make of it, I tried it... more »

A review of “Priorat” (The Movie!)

by  |  07-11-2016

The opening night of the Most Festival saw the premiere of, “Priorat” a documentary created to tell the story of the rebirth of a wine region that nearly faded in to the sands of time.... more »

Wildfire threat to Mas Martinet’s Els Escurçons vineyard

by  |  11-06-2015

A wildfire broke out in Gratallops, Priorat on June 9th on the mountains around Mas Martinet and quickly moved towards the vineyard of Els Escurçons. Planted in 2000 by Sara Peréz when she took over... more »

The future of wine, is seemingly up

by  |  19-11-2014

For anyone who hops around the wine world, you start to notice a common thread which is that the highest elevation vineyards produce some of the most interesting wines. It’s not a fact that they... more »