
A book review of “The Cocktail Dictionary”

by  |  14-09-2020

Lord knows we’re not suffering from a short supply of cocktail books these days. While “The Savoy Cocktail Book” from forever and ago was one of the main references in this field, we’re now amidst... more »
Looking up California Street to Nob Hill with fog, naturally

The “San Francisco” cocktail

by  |  17-03-2016

This article was one I was kicking around for some time as it formed a perfect, San Francisco-Barcelona bridge albeit a cocktail-centric one. I ended up running it at my friend’s cocktail blog in Spanish,... more »


by  |  18-08-2013

A collection of nifty wine and travel bits from around the interwebs. Paris Pricing Insanity On our recent trip up to Paris, we found the murder the they get away with on wine prices with... more »

Sereno Sidecar: The cocktail is real

by  |  03-08-2012

It really wasn't meant to be originally. While ensconced in the "Fortress of Solitude" (a rather isolated 11th century Catalan farmhouse) working on the Empordà guide we'd take a break here and there to do... more »

What to do with Vi Ranci?

by  |  25-06-2012 ~ 1 Comment

In Catalunya, vi ranci is a wine made via an oxidation process. It can be, well, an acquired tasted. When it's good, it's interesting with this kind of burnt quality to it that is actually... more »

A fond farewell, Koko Cocktails

by  |  01-08-2011

The weekend sadly saw the close of one of our favorite cocktail bars in San Francisco, Koko Cocktails. When not drinking wine, we would often find ourselves there to enjoy one of their great mixes,... more »

Koko Cocktails Closing

by  |  15-06-2011

Yes dear friends, we heard it a few days ago and although we were hoping it wasn't true, it's now official that our beloved neighborhood bar, Koko Cocktails is indeed closing. Their final night will... more »