At the end of 2012’s summer, the tubes of the internet will be flush with brand new “Croatian wine” articles which is a cycle that has been repeating itself since social media fired up around 2006. In the ebb and flow of this digital tide, these articles wash up, are seen for a little bit and then wash away.

Part of the reason you see so many articles is that in general, many wine regions in Europe have really been pushing and investing in creating buzz (although you could easily call it noise) around them. Part of this is to try and attract tourists, although wading through the mass of everything that is online to plan your holidays is beyond anyone’s abilities anymore. Another part of it is to try and gain international attention for a region like Croatia where domestic demand has fallen, upwards of 40%.

There are a multitude of problems with this approach, but the primary aspect to it is that Croatia needs a large, unified, most likely, governmental wine and food body to handle the promotion, direction and (sane) regulation of their domestic agriculture products. This is in lieu of the various, fragmented, private endeavors, that have taken place to date–the most problematic of which are by those who don’t even live in Croatia.

But is it official?

You see, Croatia doesn’t have an AOC or DO body like France, Italy, Portugal and Spain do. Yes, there’s the “Department of Viticulture and Enology” at the “Croatian Center for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs” (or “Hrvatski centar za poljoprivredu, hranu i selo”). But, in addition to DVECCAFRA (or HCPHS) not having a terribly nice ring to it, it also doesn’t function in the way that a Denomination of Origin body does which is to work closely with small regions in the countries to regulate and promote their wines, as well as foods.

Many, many winemakers and importers I know curse and outright despise the Croatian Tourism Board. They don’t find them promoting enotourism or other forms of tourism beyond that of laying on a beach, soaking in the sun of Croatia’s 1,200+ islands. It’s a worthwhile complaint and while I’m not their biggest fan either, I side with the tourism board. Their job is not to promote the wine industry per se as that would be where the currently non-existent DO regulatory body comes in to play.

As cheesy as it is, the DO of La Mancha in Spain has branded itself around the image of Don Quixote. Those in Empordà are promoting themselves as a group around their “wines from the wind” allusion to the Tramuntana that binds them together. When you mention Dalmatian wines (just one region of Croatian wines) to most people they’ll probably think of either the spotted dogs or, if they’re really knowledgeable, the Civil War in the early 1990’s. Mention Istria, Slavonia, or any of the other regions and you’ll get a blank face as there is no wine narrative being developed in Croatian by a central regulatory body.

Yes, this is happening at a private, fragmented level (especially with social media and but also with random conferences), but this is solely due to this gap in official, unified support vs. private enterprise. These third party private endeavors are problematic as the expectations rise greatly between them and the winemakers. Those making the wine think a few bottles handed out will promote their wines internationally and they’ll profit by getting placed in these markets, especially the US.

But, it doesn’t work like this. Private people don’t have the budget of something like a DO body nor do they have the regulatory power that such an organization has, especially if they’re at odds with one another and competing for the same, limited eyeballs. For instance, examples of campaigns I came up with while writing this could be “Istria: Undiscovered Italy” or “Dalmatia: The Adriatic’s Wines”. On no level would I ever propose for anyone to make these campaigns, but at the same time, the amount of resources needed to brand, design, and promote them are beyond the means of any individual and you need some over-arching civic body to take this on unless of course you’re a millionaire and just feel like spending money on it.

In the current arrangement, everything ends up being frustrating for all parties involved when things don’t turn out as all had hoped and there is this scattered narrative about Croatian products across old, new, and social media. Also, it puts a private individual in the position of being the “official” person for all sorts of information that they have to chase down from winemakers. In the official version, the winemaker would be required to have all that on file with a governmental agency if one were to exist. For instance if I want to know all the wines produced within the DO Empordà in Catalonia, Spain (or any Spanish region for that matter), I can go to their office and have them compile it for me, albeit with a bit of a grumbling probably. I don’t have to go to all 50 wineries in the region individually to get the same information.

Even more important is that I can ask the history of say, Grenache or other grapes in the region. No one ever seems to get small facts correct about Croatian wines like Plavac Mali being the resulting cross of Crljenak and Dobričić.

Reading your own press

Sure, Bourdain’s visit to Croatia last year gave an injection of attention to the wine and gastronomy and stood out from the vast dump of information that’s online, but again it was a private venture and there was no official voice thus making it more about entertainment than being factual. If you watch this video, you’ll see a much more true summary of what Bourdain experienced that was naturally left out of the broadcast on the Travel Channel.

There are a handful of smaller, domestic groups trying to say what needs say, but if all the noise that currently surrounds Croatian wine isn’t tamed and channeled from some concerted, unified source, they’ll get drowned out and the same cliché articles about the same 10 wineries (who have privately sought out their own PR) are going to keep banging around the social media echo chamber.


5 responses to “Give Croatian Wines a D.O.!”

  1. (comment from Twitter)

    This article is journalistically provocative. I’ve always found the National & particularly Istrian Tourist board very supportive.

    I have also found @hgk doing their best to promote Vina Croatia in UK see @RelishPr annual event Delfina London 6 Sept 2012

    makes a strong proposition of gastronomy & wine being a major tourist offering & promotes annual Wine Days.

    Sure there are issues with clarifying the brand story including regions, but work is going on and surfacing in communications.

    nyway a good swirling of the journalistic wine glass in the article that will help sharpen the debate :)

  2. miquel says:

    I should probably add an update that Istria is basically the only region in Croatia that is making an effort to develop its enotourism and doing it quite well. It could still really use a large boost in an official capacity beyond just the tourism board for the peninsula, though, as it will take it a bit to move it beyond people viewing it as merely an extension of Italy. Ironically, it’s probably the proximity to Italy that’s given it such a large boost to the enotourism section and gastronomy at large given that Italy really knows how to promote those things very, very well.

    I think that it’s difficult to get a completely fair shake of how the industry looks to a visitor or consumer though when you’re an importer like yourself or wine writers like we are. You (we) definitely get a much more regal, holistic treatment that to some degree I believe is still missing for the general public as there is no cohesive force tying all of this together and make the information readily available for everyone out there, especially the people without prior knowledge of Croatian wine.

  3. Goran says:

    I understand your point about the importance of the D.O. boards in promotion of the wines from a certain territory. I had some reservations towards these boards since in Italy many DOC and DOCG boards have failed to guarantee the quality of their wines. Therefore, you can find DOCG wines on supermarket shelves that are real shit. And I am a bit worried that people who would work in these D.O. boards would be appointed by politicians and we would get another useless administration that only spends tax money. But it is true, some regulatory body for every wine region is necessary. Istria has started with IQ stamp for Istrian Malvasia but it is not a nation wide project.

  4. miquel says:

    Yes, the issue of the DO being a bit “questionable” is always there. In
    dealing with the Empordà one, it’s definitely the case that they’re indifferent and not terribly useful in certain ways. Still, it’s very crucial to have some central organization for a region. But they don’t guarantee that all the wines are good. There are several wineries under that DO which have wines I wouldn’t drink if they were free. Still, they get certification.

    I look at it as less an indication of the wine tasting good and more that their production is done so with modern, clean systems. I think too many people have starting to treating these regulatory bodies as a certification of truly excellent, amazing products, when I don’t feel that that was their original intention. It’s like going to university. You may have the diploma showing that you’ve passed all the studies, but you still might be a complete idiot who is incompetent. Much like an employer who has to judge each individual person, the wines still need to be assessed by those looking in to their individual taste quality.

  5. Bill Oswald says:

    As an englishman trying to find wine information about Istrian wine,particularly, to bring a wine group to the area, and visit wineries, I can find very little about this area on line. i would appreciate suggestions.
    Bill Oswald.

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