
In The Glass: Gritelles – Manou 2019

by  |  01-02-2022

“Reduction”, as defined by the Oxford Companion to Wine, is a: “chemical reaction that is in effect the complement of oxidation and one in which an element or compound gains electrons.” That’s obviously quite scientific... more »

Tomas Cusiné goes small

by  |  09-06-2021

While Costers del Segre may be one of Catalunya’s most unknown Denominations of Origin (DOs), one of the most active and driven producers within it is, Tomàs Cusiné located in the village of Vilosell, in... more »

Vi Novell 2020 for a fresh summer treat

by  |  07-06-2021

There is ironically nothing new about vi novell here on this site as I’ve happily written about this style of wine previously due to the push for the quality to be ever better each year.... more »

2017 vs 2018 in Priorat via Mas Doix’s Salanques

by  |  23-11-2020

A typical question people often ask me is, was so-and-so a good year for wine? It makes sense as while you can make wine literally anywhere in the world, actually growing grapes is a touch... more »

In The Glass: Crivellé i Valls – Llàgrimes del Priorat 2018

by  |  06-11-2020

Whenever anyone asks me what judging wine is like, I tell them that it’s very hard, tiring work and they invariably laugh at me. I realize it’s impossible to imagine that swishing and smelling wine... more »

“Over the Rainbow”, a very choice Covid-19 charity pack from DO Cariñena

by  |  25-05-2020

The town of Cariñena is quite literally at a crossroads. About a half hour southwest of Zaragoza in the Spanish region of Aragón, it sits on a rather vast, flat plateau around 500m in altitude.... more »

A new Carignan at a new project in the Montsant: Bell Cros – El Tracte 2017

by  |  23-03-2020

DOQ Priorat has the lead over DO Montsant in terms of overall cellars (nearly double at 110 vs 60 respectively) but it’s important to keep in mind that DO Montsant is less than 1/3 as... more »

DO Penedès & ‘native’ reds

by  |  14-01-2020

In simpler times, if one were drinking a white wine from Spain, it would most likely have been a white from Penedès. This shouldn’t come as much of a shock given that 80% of the... more »

Wines for la Cuesta de Enero/Uphill January

by  |  02-01-2020

To all who have survived family and the holidays, well done. Now we arrive to the cold, murky days of January, probably broke, or at at least a bit broken. You probably don’t even want... more »

Schiste vs. Calcaire, Carignan Edition

by  |  24-12-2019

Mas de Saporta is a curious place. On the outskirts of Montpellier, France and technically in the town of Lattes, it’s an old farmstead that, as modernity grew up around it, was swallowed whole as... more »