Spanish Wines

Drinking Sherry wines

by  |  13-01-2015

Sherry is one of those drinks that is largely misunderstood as most people believe it to be a sweet drink when in reality, the majority of it is dry or more to the point, not... more »

La Guia de Vins de Catalunya 2015

by  |  26-11-2014

The annual presentation for the Guia de Vins de Catalunya happened this past Monday. This book is now in its 7th edition and strives to include as many of the wines of Catalonia as possible... more »

A taste of Salt & Old Vines

by  |  18-09-2012

We came across this quite wonderful excerpt from a soon-to-be-written book titles, Salt & Old Vines at Unbound, a rather new website that uses a novel way to produce well, novels. ...There are two types... more »

The Norton & Todd Kliman’s, “The Wild Vine”

by  |  10-05-2012

In between putting the finishing touches on our Empordà wine guide, I somehow managed to finish this book by Todd Kliman called, The Wild Vine. It tells the story about the Norton, which is basically... more »

To turn tea in to wine

by  |  05-12-2011 ~ 3 Comments

We came across this curious recipe in an old book from the 1950's simply called, "How to make Wine". It was sitting in the book shelf of 2 Sisters Bar & Books, which we covered... more »

Two Sisters Bar & Books opens

by  |  13-10-2011

The San Francisco Hayes Valley neighborhood has just picked up a mighty cool new spot called Two Sisters Bar & Books. Basically, it's a bar (wine, beer, cocktails, coffee, and tea), with books (for trading... more »