Greek Wines

A book review of, “Greek Wine Explained”

by  |  11-03-2024

Various wine personalities will often tell you that one region or another is "underrated" or that they don't understand why people don't like it more? There's a great deal of debate on this front, but... more »

Xinomavro Day & Kelesidis – Merhali 2016

by  |  01-11-2022

Admittedly, I’m not often a fan of these “International ________ Days” that celebrate a specific variety… unless of course I happen to really love that variety. So, with that out of the way, let’s all... more »

In The Glass: Artemis Karamolegos – Santorini 34 2019

by  |  23-05-2022

This wine came my way via my Big Fat Greek Wine Shipment last fall. It’s one of the benefits of getting white wines from Santorini in that they can sit in the cellar and actually... more »

In The Glass: Apostolos Thymiopoulos – Alta 2018

by  |  01-11-2021

This came to me via my “Big Fat Greek Wine Shipment” back in June. It wasn’t at random that we’d ordered it as we’d had the Atma at the start of the year (during an... more »

In The Glass: Dalamára Naoussa 2018

by  |  29-09-2021

In the fall of 2015 I was at a wine dinner in Athens, Greece that was unsurprisingly, showcasing Greek wines. Both the food and the wine were stupendous and I’ve sadly yet to return to... more »
Photo by Lenka Sedláčková

A love affair with Assyrtiko

by  |  24-06-2020 ~ 3 Comments

Scrolling through my Instagram feed, you may think that I am a bit of an Assyrtiko fan girl and you'd not be wrong. Fuelled by my love of all things Greek, I studied the language... more »

In The Glass: Kitrvs – Syrah 2012

by  |  12-02-2016

Macedonia is a tricky little bit of Greece in that it’s a historical region that the Greeks aren’t too keen on the country of Macedonia or, “The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, calling itself as... more »

In The Glass: Mercouri – Daphne Nera 2012

by  |  04-02-2016

Trying to find out much about the Mercouri Estate is tricky as their website appears to be fully offline at the moment although their Twitter is up and running. This is a shame as this... more »

Santorini, Assyrtiko, & Gaia

by  |  27-01-2016

If you don’t know the wines from the island of Santorini in Greece, just remember two things: the white grape, Assyrtiko and the flavor, delicious. That delicious part is pretty easy to remember but Assyrtiko... more »