Croatian Wines

Vinistra 2013

by  |  11-07-2013

In May, we attended Vinistra. This was their 20th edition of the fair, but this isn’t just an organization that puts on a fair each year to show the regional products of the Istrian Peninsula.... more »

The Vinologue-Torrassos extravaganza

by  |  02-07-2013

Much like any region, if you go to enough wine related events, you end up bumping in to the same people. This is typically a good thing as you’re all there for wine and wine... more »

In The Glass: Matošević Alba Barrique 2004

by  |  02-06-2013

While paying a visit to Ivica Matošević’s winery last month, we tasted our way through all his labels and, at one point he pulled out a bottle of 2004 Malvazija. The reason for opening this... more »


by  |  28-05-2013

A collection of nifty wine and travel bits from around the interwebs. BBC News “Global flight paths” shows where the planes are heading. Obviously not a coincidence how the busiest area also has the best... more »

In The Glass: Trapan Che non Che 2011

by  |  06-05-2013

On the first night of arrival at this year’s Zagreb Wine Gourmet Festival, I shared Catalan and Istrian bottles with Goran and Alen from Taste of Croatia at the Hole in One Pub in the... more »

Zagreb Wine Gourmet Weekend 2013

by  |  01-05-2013

Last year, I went to the first Zagreb Wine Gourmet Weekend which was something of a continuation of the event from previous years, but under a slightly different name and organizer. You can read all... more »

Never forget the Mali Plavač

by  |  02-01-2013

While dousing ourselves in San Francisco over the holidays, a friend invited us over for a Szechuan hot pot dinner. Despite eating out a lot in SF over the last two weeks, it was, without... more »

In The Glass: Miloš Stagnum Poluslatko 2003

by  |  20-09-2012 ~ 2 Comments

It's a fantastic thing when the wonderfully strange crosses your path by way of an Istrian visiting Spain. Such was the case with this bottle of what I can really only call dessert wine from... more »

Checking IQ

by  |  16-09-2012

In a previous article about Croatian wines needing a DO, while alluding to it in a comment, I had left out mention of the Vinistra IQ that was set up several years ago. It's something... more »

In The Glass: Vuina Plavac Štafileo Barrique 2009

by  |  09-09-2012

This is an interesting take on Plavac Mali from Vuina, a winery located between Split and Trogir on the coast of Croatia. Ironically, while not a bumpin', off-the-chart wine growing region, this is where the... more »