For the past week, we’ve been hopping around Alt Empordà, researching wines for our forthcoming Empordà enotourism guide. Naturally, this being February, it’s been cold, really cold. To add to that, there has been something of an unnatural northern wind blowing which is called the Tramontana. We’ll write up more about this soon as it’s a definitive aspect to winemaking here in Northeastern Catalonia, Spain.

But, while out on the terraced vineyards of Mas Estela, the wind died down just enough at sunset to take this photo. Then naturally, it started gusting again once we went up to the top of the terraces. While not the 175kph gusts that have been happening lately, it was enough to have a great deal of respect for these vines and respect the family at Mas Estela who works to make their wines from them.


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