
The Catalan Vi Novell wines of 2023

by  |  15-01-2024

The best part about vi novell in Catalunya is the fact that it’s a wine which is ready to drink, right now. I know this because the group who work together as the Vi Novell... more »

The Catalan Vi Novell class of 2022

by  |  07-12-2022

It’s time yet again to take a look at the vi novell from Catalunya, the very first wines from the latest 2022 harvest. You’re undoubtedly thinking, “Hold on a baguette-jabbin’ minute. The French cornered that... more »

The Vi Novell class of 2021

by  |  20-12-2021

Unlike last summer when I was writing about the Catalan vi novell wines, now in late fall is the more traditional time for these very, very new wines to be released and drank. Below you... more »

Vi Novell 2020 for a fresh summer treat

by  |  07-06-2021

There is ironically nothing new about vi novell here on this site as I’ve happily written about this style of wine previously due to the push for the quality to be ever better each year.... more »

Sant Martí, birth to new wine & death to pigs

by  |  13-11-2020

The day of Saint Martin of Tours is November 11th and it doesn’t go unnoticed in Spain. Across the whole country and especially in Catalunya, it’s touted as the day to slaughter pigs and drink... more »

Release of the 2015 Vi Novell

by  |  16-11-2015

When talking about anything “nouveau” in the wine world, most mouths open and say, “Oh, Beaujolais Nouveau?” as that is hand’s down the most famous of the early release wines in the world. And by... more »

Here comes the Vi Novell

by  |  03-11-2014

As you read this, the first olives are being pressed and bottled as oli nou–an atomic bomb of liquid gold that sells out fast. In meat-related news, the first pigs of the season are traditionally... more »