Italian Wines
Photo from DOC Prosecco

Five Proseccos to know right now

by  |  09-02-2024

The sparkling wines from Prosecco can often get a bad rap. The fact that it’s very easy to find them for 5€ and under doesn’t do terribly much to elevate the brand, admittedly. Of course…... more »

G.D. Vajra – Langhe 2020

by  |  17-04-2023

It’s one of many infamous questions on a higher-level wine exam: “Name three Italy DOCGs for Nebbiolo, not including Barolo.” The quick thinker immediately blurts out “Barbaresco!” and then it gets a bit murkier with... more »

In The Glass: Angelo d’Uva Lagena 2017

by  |  28-11-2022

Repeat after me, “Variety synonyms, yay!” Indeed, not terribly catchy and also one of those things that makes people scream indiscriminately at either their screen or wine list, depending on if wine studier or drinker.... more »

The wines of Oltrepò Pavese 2022

by  |  09-11-2022

On the flight to Milan, I was rolling the name, “Oltrepò Pavese”, around in my head. The Pavese bit made plenty of sense as this is a wine region located within the province of Pavia... more »

In The Glass: Defilippi i Gessi – Crocetta 2021

by  |  19-10-2022

This has been a year of the unforeseen (see: Russian invasion) but if you were to ask me what I wouldn’t have expected in a wine context, in no way shape or form would I... more »

In The Glass: Elena Fucci Titolo 2019

by  |  03-10-2022

There remain those who may be convinced that wine choices of the future will all be via a “discovery engine“. The only way I’ll buy into that is if, like in Demolition Man’s version of... more »
Photo by Tenuta di Capezzana

Capezzana & DOCG Carmignano

by  |  29-10-2020

“Never too young. Never too old.” This is such a wonderful manner to describe DOCG Carmignano and was said by Eric de Rothschild, the director of an “obscure” winery called, Château Lafite Rothschild, when he... more »

Oddero: A rainbow of vintages, Barolo and beyond

by  |  07-11-2019

Being in London means tasting a great many wines if one is so inclined. While the WSTA trade calendar is simply amazing in its listing of tastings and events, incredibly, not everything that happens is... more »

A judgment in Grenache, Perpignan edition

by  |  22-05-2019

Taking the TGV from Perpignan in the direction of Spain gives you that brief glimpse of what being a protagonist in a billion-dollar superhero franchise must feel like. There’s this rush as you gain more... more »

In The Glass: Cantine Belisario – La Roccaccia 2015

by  |  24-05-2018

As is often the case, I can’t for the life of me remember where I picked up this bottle of Verdicchio but I can remember why. It was the simple reason that it’s a grape... more »