Australian Wines

In The Glass: Mollydooker – The Maitre’D 2017
by Miquel Hudin | 03-03-2021
Mollydooker, it’s a name you remember with a brand image you simply can’t forget. Aussie slang for a “left-handed person” (which the founders both were), I’ve seen the wines for years whenever up in the... more »

In The Glass: Hay Shed Hill Pitchfork Shiraz 2017
by Miquel Hudin | 22-01-2021
So we arrive again to Margaret River. I say “again” as I’ve been here before, writing about the Vasee Felix Cabernet Sauvignon which was simply delightful. Admittedly this wasn’t a terribly huge shock given how... more »

Playing the game of Three-Cab Monte
by Miquel Hudin | 14-02-2020
I was leading a tasting recently and out of random curiosity, one of the clients asked, “By the way, what Cabernet Sauvignons can you recommend?” I wasn’t really expecting that as we were tasting through... more »

Continued Mornington exploration: Crittenden Estate – Peninsula Pinot Noir 2016
by Miquel Hudin | 08-12-2018
Awhile back I’d written about an oddity that piqued my curiosity which was produced by Crittenden Estate on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria, Australia. I’m not sure if that wine is a one-off, but it’s... more »

That age-old Spanish mixaroo type thing: Crittenden – Los Hermanos Homenaje 2015
by Miquel Hudin | 25-08-2018
I’ve mentioned it before, but it’s fitting to mention it here: Wine Folly is dangerous. And no, I don’t mean that in a catchy Kenny Loggins, “Danger Zone” way, but in a bad information is... more »

In The Glass: Halls Gap – Fallen Giants 2014
by Miquel Hudin | 06-08-2018
I’m often at a loss for words–at least in other languages. In English, I’m generally well set (sorta) but every so often, a word pops up in British English that we sorely need in American... more »

The Bigness: Penfolds – Bin 28 Kalimna Shiraz 2012
by Miquel Hudin | 16-07-2016
From time to time, I like to "taste outside of my box" which means searching out a bottle of something that isn't a red Grenache or Carignan. I don't always do so well in this,... more »

A new one for the weird wine additives
by Miquel Hudin | 10-01-2015
It reads more like some April Fool's joke, but apparently Australian winemakers are putting sunscreen on their vines these days. Yes, seriously because if the BBC says it, then it must be true. For those... more »