Armenian Wines

An updated taste of Armenian wines

by  |  16-02-2018

Just over a year ago I was invited to visit and explore all that is Armenia wine. A great and typically exhausting trip, I wrote a summary of the wines tasted and wineries visited if... more »

All the bubbly fit to drink

by  |  26-01-2017

The clouds part when the middle of January presents itself. This is of course only in the figurative sense as literally, the weather is quite squalid, but this moment of clarity is due to reaching... more »

Armenian wineries and wines

by  |  21-12-2016

By way of giving a little background read this introduction to Armenian wines followed by the oldest wine cellar in the world, it will make a review of Armenia’s wine bars more cohesive. Of course... more »

Wine Bars in Yerevan, Armenia

by  |  09-12-2016

In February of 2013 the main editor of this website, Èlia, was in Armenia for the first time. Keep in mind that while this was just four years ago, trying to find out much about... more »

Armenia’s Areni cave: The oldest wine cellar in the world

by  |  11-11-2016

Going on a trip to experience Armenian wine, thanks to the Vine & Wine Foundation isn’t really complete without a stop to the Areni-1 cave complex. This natural cave right next to the village of... more »
Mount Ararat and new vineyards

An introduction to Armenian wines

by  |  01-11-2016

Armenia, along with Georgia, Azerbaijan, Northern Iran, and Eastern Turkey all form this “Cradle of Wine” region in the Caucasus Mountains where we currently believe the winemaking we know today to have started. Georgia has... more »

It’s that calçotada time of year

by  |  25-02-2013

It could quite easily be said that it’s a blessing to only have calçotadas for one season of the year. It is a feast which, at its very heart is massively intense, delicious, and one... more »