
A bunch of cool Croatian grapes for the summer

by  |  03-08-2020

Yet another hot summer arrived in Croatia, but it certainly feels a bit different this year. There are far less tourists, which is actually not that bad as you don’t have to elbow your way... more »

Talking about Croatia

by  |  15-07-2016

When living in Spain, it’s difficult to keep up with writing about Croatia, which was actually one of the first regions in Europe that I wrote about and traveled through extensively for the Dalmatia wine... more »

In The Glass – Šember – Rajnski Rizling 2011

by  |  29-05-2016

Croatian wine regions don’t roll easily off the tongue and thus Šember from Plešivica might be tough for the Anglophone mouth to get wrapped around. This is a shame as their winery offers up some... more »

Plešivica: Croatia’s unsung wine hero

by  |  10-03-2016

It may be the smallest wine region in Croatia, but in many ways it’s the most ground-breaking and compelling. Plešivica is a green, hilly region some 30km southwest from Zagreb. It’s often overlooked when compared... more »

Points and wines otherwise unknown

by  |  06-01-2012

Mike's Steinberger's Wine Diarist has quickly become one of my favorite wine pundits in the fray. His professional background as a former writer for Slate comes through time and again as he crafts wonderfully insightful... more »