
Wine with a greater purpose: El Microscopi 2016

by  |  20-12-2017

Wine needs a story! So harps those in marketing these days and I have to agree that there is some truth to this as a wine without a story is essentially the beer, Coors Light.... more »

These wines of solidarity

by  |  07-03-2016

Despite this being a rather mild winter, even for Mediterranean standards, it seems that once spring arrives, there is a change of heart for people and they are more open and giving. Perhaps it’s for... more »
Their dormant vineyards in Garraf

A further taste of Alemany i Corrio

by  |  24-02-2016

In my much longer article about the “rebellious” winemakers of DO Penedès, I made but a brief mention of Irene Alemany and her winery, Alemany i Corrio. They are to a large degree, the anti-Penedès... more »

Rebellious Penedès: “Unrated”

by  |  28-01-2016

This article originally ran on Harpers but, given space restrictions was nearly half of the original in length. Here I present it in its entirety. The concept of rebellion in wine typically conjures up images... more »