
The wines of Burgundy 2024

by  |  07-06-2024

“Well I guess you don’t hang out with a lot of billionaires.” During the week and a half I spend in Burgundy this past March there were of course many choice items I heard, but... more »

Nit de les Carinyenes, Porrera, Priorat 2024

by  |  13-05-2024

With the Fira de Vi in Priorat, we came to see yet another edition of “Nit de les Carinyenes” from the Cellers de Porrera association. It is as the name would imply in that it’s... more »

A taste of Jura

by  |  03-04-2024

The wines of Jura are probably some of the easiest in the wine world to understand… if you happen to work in the wine world. I fully admit to being quite fascinated with them as... more »

Vinart Grand Tasting, Corpinnat & Châteauneuf-du-Pape

by  |  13-03-2024

Last week saw me make a return to the Vinart Grand Tasting in Zagreb, Croatia. My absence had been exceedingly long as the last time I went was in 2017 where I led a tasting... more »
Photo by Dean Dubokovič

Talking about Pinot at Modri les Noirs 2023

by  |  08-11-2023

Dominatrix or master, whatever you want to call the relationship, when it comes to Pinot Noir, it's very one-sided as this finicky grape variety owns the winemaker--he or she never, ever owns it. While there... more »

Peralada and its century of wine

by  |  25-10-2023

While an exceedingly-historic winegrowing region with some 2,600 years of history, the modern DO Empordà came into existence in 1975 when beach tourism was reaching massive heights in the area from its beginnings back in... more »

Recaredo’s celebration of Turó d’en Mota’s 25 harvests

by  |  16-10-2023

When a top sparkling wine producer the likes of, Recaredo asks if you can attend a respective tasting of their top-end, single-vineyard, Turó d’en Mota wine, you say yes without hesitation. If it so happens... more »

Another harvest & Festa del Vi i la Verema a l’Antiga Poboleda

by  |  29-09-2023

As the harvest of another year in Priorat has drawn to a close (some would say, “finally“), it’s worth looking at a fine regional festival that has traditionally marked the start of the harvest. This... more »

And pop goes the Priorat

by  |  08-09-2023

The evening of the 19th of August was a Saturday and wasn’t cool by any means. The summer heat still crinkled and surrounded with an unpleasant touch on the skin. Even with the sun having... more »

A tasting of top Slovenian wines

by  |  19-07-2023

When I should have been celebrating the “independence” of my fellow Americans this past 4th of July, I was instead in Ljubljana, Slovenia celebrating good wines. This was part of a trip to visit, Štajerska... more »