Catalan Wines

11 White Priorat wines to know right now

by  |  29-07-2021

DOQ Priorat is known if not outright famed for its red wines. There’s good reason for that given that they’re some of the highest-scoring wines in all of Spain. But, the whites shouldn’t be overlooked... more »

10 wines from Terra Alta to know right now

by  |  12-07-2021

As was shown in the recent DO Terra Alta report, this is a region not lacking in diversity nor quality. They make a great many styles of wines with an equal balance of excellent red... more »

Five wines from Tarragona to know right now

by  |  28-05-2021

The recent DO Tarragona report, showed that this is a region which can be a bit tricky to make sense of. It’s very large and has very distinct zones with a great many styles represented... more »

Six white wines from Montsant to know right now

by  |  15-07-2020

Summer is still doing its thing in the Northern Hemisphere which means heat and a lot of it. Most of us, if opting for wine as the drink of choice, will want a nice, chilled... more »

Six wines from Penedès to know right now

by  |  26-06-2020

As is often the case, we’d just passed May 40th when summer suddenly exploded out of nowhere here in Spain. It seems that overnight we went from chilly nights and massive, biblical rains (that have... more »