
Wines from a Stone

by  |  05-03-2015

I offer up the profile of two wines from Vins de Pedra. A well-known winery from Empordà is La Vinyeta and is run by husband and wife team Josep Serra (who is originally from the... more »

Three wine kings

by  |  06-01-2015

In countries where Christmas is celebrated there seems to be a split based upon whether you think gifts should be exchanged on Jesus’s birthday, December 25th or likely when the Three Kings showed up to... more »

Returning to the original grape

by  |  29-12-2014

Last Friday in the Guardian, an article ran about the efforts to save the native wine grapes of the world. It focused mostly on Spaniard, Fernando Martínez de Toda and his quest to preserve what... more »

Celler Comalats

by  |  21-12-2014

When it comes to wine regions in Catalonia, DO Costers del Segre doesn’t get a lot of love. Spread out over various chunks in the most remote province of the region (and the only one... more »

Tasting the Castell de Raimat collection

by  |  18-03-2013

Sometime back, I joked that the Costers del Segre winery, Raimat was more reliable than god. The reasoning behind this is that they have a very nice price point for their wines and so you... more »

The wines of Boškinac

by  |  17-04-2012

Boškinac is a hotel, restaurant, and most importantly, winery on the island of Pag. Recently, they've been getting a good deal of press. Secret Dalmatia visited them not once, but twice. Taste of Croatia reviewed... more »

Tasting at Espelt

by  |  03-01-2011

This is an article from our archives that was previously run on another site in May, 2007. Espelt is a youngish winery that was founded in 2000 on a family property in Vilajuïga in northeastern... more »

The mighty Pfneiszl sisters

by  |  26-10-2010

This is an article from our archives that was previously run on another site in July, 2008. Pfneiszl is a young winery on old lands. Or actually, it's an old winery on its own old... more »