
Best Catalan wines of 2020

by  |  14-12-2020

Versió catalana Despite the lunacy of this never-ending 2020 from hell and the cancellation of a slate of events I was to attend, I did manage to taste a lot of wines from various regions... more »

El millors vins catalans del 2020

by  | 

English version Malgrat la bogeria d’aquest any infernal interminable i la inevitable cancel·lació d’una sèrie d’esdeveniments als que tenia previst a assistir, tot i així he aconseguit tastar una gran quantita de vins de diferents... more »

Judging the “Best Cava Sommelier” of 2019

by  |  14-11-2019

One can’t claim that the DO Cava hasn’t been active over the last few months. An important reason for the new boost is having a new president. Another is having changed up their communications department,... more »