
Five wines to know from Vinos de Madrid

by  |  04-10-2023

As was stated in the main report earlier this year, there’s a great deal to love these days in DO Vinos de Madrid. It’s ironic given that it was a flash point just over a... more »

The wines from DO Vinos de Madrid

by  |  27-03-2023

The photo above is not what one associates with Spain’s capital, Madrid and for good reason. The active, museum-rich, dining-prone, culturally-vibrant city with a population of over three million (and problably half as many bars)... more »

A tasting in Croatia of Garnacha, Garnatxa, & Grenache

by  |  18-03-2017

We’ve arrived to a day and age wherein I don’t understand how someone can’t appreciate Grenache–if not love it. Sure, there are people who are going to only like white wines, or wines with a... more »

In The Glass: Uvas Veloces 2015

by  |  12-08-2016

Sometime back we’d posted about supporting the Uvas Veloces project on the Catalan version of Kickstarter, Verkami. We’re not sure if it was our mention or a general curiosity for people to taste this wine... more »

Support “Uvas Veloces” and get tasty Grenache wines

by  |  18-03-2016

For those who don’t know Verkami, it’s startup based in Catalonia that, while something of European take on Kickstarter in the US, has it’s own angle, specifically in terms of funding wine projects. We’ve pitched... more »