
In The Glass: Vasques de Carvalho – LBV Port 2017

by  |  19-12-2022

One mid-winter several years ago, a writing friend of mine commented to his wife, “How have I gained so much weight this holiday season, I’m not eating that much, am I?” to which she replied,... more »

Quinta do Vallado, excellence in the modern Port department

by  |  09-09-2022

It really surprises me as to the popularity of Port and how this doesn’t carry over to Sherry. Sure, there are about five different types of dry Sherry and there are in fact two branches... more »

A Portugal Vineyards selection II

by  |  18-01-2022

If you’re like me (and if you’re reading this, you probably are), then you can’t get enough Portuguese wine in your life. Give that, I present you with Round II of this select tasting from... more »

Woe be the soul who must memorize declared years of Vintage Ports

by  |  13-03-2020

A less glamorous aspect of advanced wine studies–especially when it comes to the of the Court of Master Sommeliers–is the requirement to have at the ready, all the years where Vintage Ports were declared. “Oh... more »

Tasting four decades

by  |  21-01-2017

It’s a fun stunt to try and taste the decades of your life via bottles of wine. As one gets older, it becomes ever more difficult as the older wines get more scarce, somewhat giving... more »