
Best Catalan wines of 2020

by  |  14-12-2020

Versió catalana Despite the lunacy of this never-ending 2020 from hell and the cancellation of a slate of events I was to attend, I did manage to taste a lot of wines from various regions... more »

El millors vins catalans del 2020

by  | 

English version Malgrat la bogeria d’aquest any infernal interminable i la inevitable cancel·lació d’una sèrie d’esdeveniments als que tenia previst a assistir, tot i així he aconseguit tastar una gran quantita de vins de diferents... more »

The Fòrum Gastronòmic Girona

by  |  06-03-2013

In the land of awesome, all-encompassing events in Spain, the Fòrum Gastronòmic (or Fórum Gastronómico if you’re in to that whole Castilian thing) ranks up towards the top. There are tons of smaller, local events... more »

The Alt Empordà fires and vineyards

by  |  25-07-2012 ~ 1 Comment

It's been a rather terrifying couple of days in Northeastern Catalonia. On Sunday afternoon fires broke out at the top of Alt Empordà which moved at great speed due to strong Tramuntana winds. Alt Empordà... more »